
Търговия с криптовалути

Cryptocurrency CFDs are available for trading in MetaTrader 5 platform. When trading cryptocurrencies no commissions are charged.

Name in MT5 Volume 1 lot Maximum
Margin professional Margin Retail
BTCUSD (Bitcoin) 1 Bitcoin 2 Bitcoins 10% 50%
ETHUSD (Ether) 1 Ether 30 Ether 10% 50%
LTCUSD (Litecoin) 1 Litecoin 200 Litecoin 10% 50%
XRPUSD (Ripple) 1 Ripple 20 000 Ripple 10% 50%
BCHUSD (Bitcoin cash) 1 Bitcoin cash 50 Bitcoin cash 10% 50%

Trading hours

Cryprocurrency trading is open from 21:05 GMT on Sunday to 20:55 GMT on Friday.

Rollover interest for cryptocurrencies

All open positions at 21:00 GMT are rolled forward to the next business day. For holding a position in BTCUSD, ETHUSD, LTCUSD, XRPUSD or BCHUSD rollover fee will be charged based on the position direction.

For long position in BTCUSD, ETHUSD, LTCUSD, XRPUSD and BCHUSD the swap rate is minus 30%, calculated on annual basis. For short positions the swap rate is minus 30%, calculated on annual basis.  

Example for swap rate calculation:

  • Long position (Buy order) of 1 Bitcoin is held for the next business day. The price of the Bitcoin at the end of the day is 7 000 USD. The negative swap that will be deducted from the account is calculated as follows: (7000X30%)/360=5.83 USD.  
  • Short position (Sell order) of 1 Bitcoin is held for the next business day. The price of the Bitcoin at the end of the day is 5 000 USD. The positive swap that will be applied to the account is calculated as follows: (7000X30%)/360=5.83 USD.  

Risk management

Important: Cryptocurrency CFDs trading is extremely risky, highly speculative and there is a risk of losing all invested capital. This is а derivative product traded on an unregulated market and is therefore exposed to all risks associated with derivative products and all risks associated with its underlying asset price movements. Clients should be aware that due to a strong market volatility, lack of liquidity, and expanded distribution, an order can be executed at a price different from the one set by the client. It is also possible, in particular circumstances, to follow suspension of quotes, lack of availability for closing positions, lack of availability for opening new positions, closure of all open positions without prior notice, at specified prices by BenchMark Finance.

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